This is such an amazing yellow leather handbag with black patent leather trim and base. This unique, round handbag was designed by Italian designer Braccialini and was originally sold at Nordstrom and purchased from the Portland store in 1989. The original Nordstrom tags are still in the inside pocket. There is a small top handle or you can choose to use the optional longer yellow knotted leather shoulder or crossbody strap. This strap is secured by hooks that can be removed completely, or just stored inside the bag and the inside is lined in leather.
This beautiful vintage bag was made in Italy and comes with its original dust bag.
CONDITION: Excellent
HEIGHT: 12 1/2"
WIDTH: 13"
DEPTH: 2 1/4"
In order to best determine fit, measure yourself or a garment of a similar style that fits you well. Compare those measurements to those on the item description.
This is such an amazing yellow leather handbag with black patent leather trim and base. This unique, round handbag was designed by Italian designer Braccialini and was originally sold at Nordstrom and purchased from the Portland store in 1989. The original Nordstrom tags are still in the inside pocket. There is a small top handle or you can choose to use the optional longer yellow knotted leather shoulder or crossbody strap. This strap is secured by hooks that can be removed completely, or just stored inside the bag and the inside is lined in leather.
This beautiful vintage bag was made in Italy and comes with its original dust bag.
CONDITION: Excellent
HEIGHT: 12 1/2"
WIDTH: 13"
DEPTH: 2 1/4"
In order to best determine fit, measure yourself or a garment of a similar style that fits you well. Compare those measurements to those on the item description.
Complete the look
Vintage Jewelry Makes the Perfect Finishing Touch
Complete the look
Vintage belts tie it all together