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Happy Father's Day To The Heartthrob Bow Tie Wearing Dads

I have always loved a man in a bow tie!  To me, it shows a personal style that oozes confidence.  

Bow ties have become synonymous with some celebrities, and in some cases, have completely defined their look. After all, imagine what would have become of Colonel Sanders, Orville Redenbacher, Bill Nye The Science Guy and The Cat in the Hat be if they didn't have their bow ties?


Colonel Sanders


Orville Redenbacher


The Cat in the Hat


Bill Nye

There are so many different fabrics, patterns, and styles of bow ties that every man is bound to find the one that suits his personality.  


Manolo Blahnik yes, a famous shoe designer, but also a famous bow tie wearer!

vintage bow tie dressing vintage

Pre-tied Vintage Gingham Bow Tie

Bow ties aren't as simple as they might seem to the novice wearer, they can be slim, normal or wide, self-Tie (or freestyle) that you tie yourself, pre tied or clip on.  They come in many shapes including; butterfly, western, batwing, diamond point, rounded, etc.

Vintage Large Butterfly Bow Tie

Vintage Large Butterfly Clip On Bow Tie

Vintage Bow Tie Dressing Vintage

Talbott Studio Burgundy Paisley Vintage Silk Bow Tie


Karl Lagerfeld is known to wear many styles of bow ties including this cravat bow.

So in honor of Father's Day, we'd like to take the time to pay tribute to some of our favorite bow tie wearing heartthrobs, who, by the way, are/were also dads.  These men understood the power of bow ties and wore them with style and sophistication.


Clark Gable


Gary Cooper


Gregory Peck


James Stewart


Cary Grant


Sidney Poitier


Frank Sinatra and Elvis Presley


Warren Beatty


Paul Newman


Robert Redford

James Bond himself even became known for his effortless ability to wear bow tie!  Every James Bond had his own flare for tying (or not tying) his own style of bow.


Sean Connery


David Niven


George Lazenby


Roger Moore


Timothy Dalton


Pierce Brosnan


Daniel Craig


Michael Jackson


Robert Downey Jr.


Denzel Washington


Bruce Willis


Harrison Ford


Will Smith


Johnny Depp


Prince William


Justin Timberlake


Taye Diggs


Channing Tatum


Ryan Gossling


Chris Hemsworth


Ryan Reynolds




Hugh Jackman

So, whether you are reading this for yourself, your husband, or your father, embrace the timeless magic of the bow tie! Find the particular tie that brings out that inner James Bond, Usher or Cary Grant. After all, isn't every man a potential heartthrob just waiting to be discovered?!

Happy Father's Day from Dressing Vintage!

Vintage Red Black Silk Tie with Pocket Square

Shop for Vintage Bow Ties

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