Dressing Vintage Blog
Happy Birthday to a Legend: Ginger Rogers
Today, July 16th, is the legendary Ginger Roger's birthday. She would be 103 years old. She acted, she sang, and she wore high heels and complicated evening gowns while seemingly...
Happy Birthday Linda Ronstadt
Cheryl Tiegs and Christie Brinkley were the models on the covers of most of the fashion magazines of the 1970's. (Both Blondes). My two older, beautiful sisters are also blondes...
A Most Stylish Immortal Swan - Anna Pavlova
A ballerina with style who inspired me.
Fashion Designers who died too young - What might have been
"You are only as good as the people you dress."Halston The tragic loss of so many talented fashion designers before their time.
Aging Grace-fully: Staying Timeless in a Youth-Obsessed Culture
GRACE: a way of moving that is smooth and attractive and that is not stiff or awkward.
A Designer dress worth Stealing - Norma Kamali
I had dreams of being the kind of person who would wear Comme des Garcons and Yohji Yamamoto. But then I discovered Norma.
There's Something About Oscar...
Oscar de la Renta Sean Connery does it for some people. He is one of those timeless men that women of all ages still find swoonable. (Is swoonable...
Mommy and Me - Matching mother daughter dresses
What ended our love affair with Mommy and Me outfits? Is there a deeper reason behind the absence of matching mother daughter dresses?
Why "Know-it-alls" won't ever be great Couture Fashion Designers
Was it luck, talent, or being in the right place at the right time that made the 20th century couturiers fashion greats?
Vintage Easter Parade - Whatever Happened to Easter Bonnets?
I miss Easter hats. I want to start a campaign to bring them back! For years, fashion magazine covers in April featured hats to inspire Spring bonnets. There were...
The Anatomy of an Anonymous Beautiful Vintage Dress
There are two reasons I will probably never be able to sell one of the most beautiful vintage dresses I've ever owned. Can you accept my fashion challenge?
Welcome Back Anne Fogarty - the return of a timeless designer
Anne Fogarty is coming back - will the new fashion line represent her spirit of timeless design with a modern twist? She wrote one of the best books on fashion...